Investment Portfolio of 27 Year Old | My Audit #2: 2023

I have done this audit before the new year, but I am a bit late in posting here. Before getting into my 2023 audit, please have a look at my 2022 audit (if you like to). Let’s dive now. I have two portfolios for two of my goals: one is for my retirement (FIRE), and […]
One Million word project and 2024 new year goals (0001)
For quite a while, I was thinking about this: to write 1 million words (1000*1000)—that is, 1000 posts and 1000 words each (I got inspired from Viskanv). This new year is the perfect time for it; this is not going to be a New Year’s goal or resolution. This is the kind of project that […]
The Art of Active Listening: Empathizing without Imposing

Yesterday, I was talking with my friends in my favorite tea shop. For an hour or two, we had our coffee, tea, or snacks and were talking about cinema, politics, and our next-week trip to a hill station. One thing I noticed about myself throughout those two hours was that, rather than just listening to […]
How’s life without social media?

Do we need to stay updated about everything in life? Three months have passed, and I was not using any social media platforms. Today, I’d like to share my experience with it here. I just thought about how our lives would be without social media. Day one: I’ve uninstalled all the social media apps from […]
The books I read this year | 2022

As I said at the beginning of 2022, I must have read twelve books by the end of this year. But I have completed the goal in 6 months and so far, I’ve read twenty books here in this post I’m just going to share how was my experience with each book and my takeaways […]
Investment Portfolio of 26 Year Old | My Audit #1: 2022

I am also just a typical guy who comes from a middle-class family, has taken out some personal loans, made basic personal finance mistakes, and also, I was a little late to investing (I started at 24, I wish I should’ve started at 20 at least). I’ve only been actively investing for the past two […]
A way to reset your brain: DOPAMINE DETOX

I am a huge fan of Mr. Money Mustache‘s blog, but he rarely posts nowadays, I got two valuable suggestions from his recent posts about “Lessons from the Badass Muscular Neurobiologist.” First, to know about this man, Andrew Huberman, who is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University […]
I switched from books to KINDLE

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know that at the start of this year I said I was going to start a reading habit, and for that, I set myself a goal of reading twelve books by the end of this year. Unfortunately, I successfully completed the goal before July. I promised […]
Stop consuming and start creating

We spend a lot of time on social media day in and day out. We are doom scrolling on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and other platforms, and there is no end in sight. We all knew this already. I already shared why social media is addictive and convincing ways to get rid of it and I […]
REWILD your interests and attention in social media

Social media is a loop. We all know that, and yet we rely on it. The suggestions that you get on all your social media handles are liked by you once, and the AI (artificial intelligence) and algorithms flood your feeds with the same type of content to keep you hooked on their platform. This […]