The books I read this year | 2022

As I said at the beginning of 2022, I must have read twelve books by the end of this year. But I have completed the goal in 6 months and so far, I’ve read twenty books here in this post I’m just going to share how was my experience with each book and my takeaways […]
I switched from books to KINDLE

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, you know that at the start of this year I said I was going to start a reading habit, and for that, I set myself a goal of reading twelve books by the end of this year. Unfortunately, I successfully completed the goal before July. I promised […]
You don’t know about money | “The Psychology of Money”

Do you believe that the experience you have with money is just about 0.00000001% of what’s happened in the world of money. This post is about the book which I read recently “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel. Book is not about any technical stuff you don’t understand about money or a quick method […]
Scheduling “Deep Work” in my day

If you’re my regular reader, you may know about my book reading habit and my 2022 goals where I must complete 12 books this year. And in this post, I’m going to share a book that was a life-changing one for me and that is “Deep Work” by Cal Newport. If you want to know […]
My takeaways from “Who will cry when you die?”

As I shared in my posts of “My 2022 Goals” in which one of them was book reading (completing 12 books for this year) and it is going excellent so far, I’ve completed around 10 books and 8 more months left over. I thought to share my takeaways from the book “ Who will cry when […]
My “Book reading” experience for last 30 days

As I already shared my 2022 new year goals (see later), “reading books” was one of them. Here, in this post, I’m going to share my book reading experience for the last 30 days. If you’re trying to build a habit of book reading, I hope this post will be helpful for you because I’m […]
To kick start your book reading: The Alchemist

As I said in my new year goals of 2022 (see later), reading twelve books this year is one of them on that list. To initiate that I have started with the book “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. Why did I choose this book? When I had a thought to build a reading habit, […]