You don’t know about money | “The Psychology of Money”

Do you believe that the experience you have with money is just about 0.00000001% of what’s happened in the world of money. This post is about the book which I read recently “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel. Book is not about any technical stuff you don’t understand about money or a quick method […]
Things to look at before buying an Index fund

I shared it with new investors who want to know about why they have to invest? and where to park their first investment? . At the end of the posts, I said to invest in an Index fund alone, instead of an active fund for chasing extra returns ( which you’ll fail). Today, let me […]
5 Rules I use to stay productive

In our world today, we all are trying to be more productive, but we don’t have a roadmap to find the right path to achieve it. How do you achieve it? Here are 5 rules I am going to share which keep me productive in plenty of tough times where I lose interest in taking […]
5 Convincing ways to limit your social media usage

I hope nowadays you don’t have time to spend on things which you like, or you can’t find spare time to do the one-time things like visiting your bank branch for a query or repairing your bike which you’re in the thought of doing for the last couple of months. Why can’t you find time […]
Revealing my stock portfolio – is in Blood RED (2022)

I thought to do a status check on one of my financial goals for 2022. I shared in my 2022 goals that I will share my portfolio value with actual numbers at the end of this year if I achieve my financial goal. Since we are halfway this year, let me share my stock portfolio […]
Everything is a “copy of a copy of a COPY”

Everything is a “copy of a copy of a COPY” Do you ever think that you’re not creative like others or you’re not able to think and innovate something on your own or you may need a reference always before starting your work? If you feel like any of these, I just want to tell […]
Scheduling “Deep Work” in my day

If you’re my regular reader, you may know about my book reading habit and my 2022 goals where I must complete 12 books this year. And in this post, I’m going to share a book that was a life-changing one for me and that is “Deep Work” by Cal Newport. If you want to know […]
Where to Invest my first Rs.1000? For beginners

Hey! Welcome back. This post will be a continuation of my previous post, “Why do I need to invest my money?”. Check out the post before starting this one if you want to have a better understanding especially if you’re a beginner. If you are clear on the “Why?” You’re investing and if you’ve done […]
Why do I have to Invest my money? For beginners

Hey! Welcome back. If you’re reading this post, that means from now on you’ve started your personal finance journey. There are people who have started a new job after college or people who are working for the past couple of years and now, they have little excess money in their savings bank account (even if […]
My takeaways from “Who will cry when you die?”

As I shared in my posts of “My 2022 Goals” in which one of them was book reading (completing 12 books for this year) and it is going excellent so far, I’ve completed around 10 books and 8 more months left over. I thought to share my takeaways from the book “ Who will cry when […]