I tried waking up at 5 AM for 90 days

Do you wake up after 8’o clock in the morning or even after 11? If yes, then this post is more for you… I was also a nightcrawler once in college and in the initial stages of my career and now I have completely changed into a morning person. I have been waking up at […]
5 Rules I use to stay productive

In our world today, we all are trying to be more productive, but we don’t have a roadmap to find the right path to achieve it. How do you achieve it? Here are 5 rules I am going to share which keep me productive in plenty of tough times where I lose interest in taking […]
5 Convincing ways to limit your social media usage

I hope nowadays you don’t have time to spend on things which you like, or you can’t find spare time to do the one-time things like visiting your bank branch for a query or repairing your bike which you’re in the thought of doing for the last couple of months. Why can’t you find time […]
Scheduling “Deep Work” in my day

If you’re my regular reader, you may know about my book reading habit and my 2022 goals where I must complete 12 books this year. And in this post, I’m going to share a book that was a life-changing one for me and that is “Deep Work” by Cal Newport. If you want to know […]
My takeaways from “Who will cry when you die?”

As I shared in my posts of “My 2022 Goals” in which one of them was book reading (completing 12 books for this year) and it is going excellent so far, I’ve completed around 10 books and 8 more months left over. I thought to share my takeaways from the book “ Who will cry when […]
My productivity system: Apps that make my day easier

In today’s world there are so many distractions around us, in between this we’re not able to remember and keep track of everything we do, to make that easier we need a few apps for accountability. Here I’ve done some research, used multiple apps with the same feature, and narrowed down all the apps out […]