Investment Portfolio of 27 Year Old | My Audit #2: 2023

I have done this audit before the new year, but I am a bit late in posting here. Before getting into my 2023 audit, please have a look at my 2022 audit (if you like to). Let’s dive now. I have two portfolios for two of my goals: one is for my retirement (FIRE), and […]
Investment Portfolio of 26 Year Old | My Audit #1: 2022

I am also just a typical guy who comes from a middle-class family, has taken out some personal loans, made basic personal finance mistakes, and also, I was a little late to investing (I started at 24, I wish I should’ve started at 20 at least). I’ve only been actively investing for the past two […]
MONEY MISTAKES people make

I just turned twenty-six a few weeks ago. In my 25 years of life, I’ve made plenty of personal finance mistakes. And I could find people doing the same thing as I did. It’s good to learn from your mistakes. It’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes. – Warren Buffett Let’s dive deep […]
How does a fund’s EXPENSE RATIO affect returns?

Any product you buy comes with a price tag; mutual funds are no different. All the personal finance gurus say to stick to index funds instead of active funds and choose a direct plan instead of a regular plan in mutual fund investing. The reason for that is that the expense ratio of an index […]
Can FRUGAL living make you rich?

When we think rich, the things that come to our mind will be people who can buy things without even a second thought. But there are a few groups of people who have become rich by living frugally. A guy in his twenties will often say, “We’ve got one life and we don’t know when […]
Are you overspending? Want to control it?

My Story It was less than a year before I switched to my new corporate job, before I was in an MNC where I was receiving a very minimal salary (the bare minimum one can get in IT). During these times, I was able to invest anywhere between 5K and 10K every month in equity […]
Returns(%) are not going to make you rich

We all got interested in equity because of one thing “returns”, it generates more returns than any other financial investment option. But this post will try to slap you with the harsh truth that your mind won’t accept – the returns that you’re getting from your investment are not going to make you rich. It’s […]
Tell your PARENTS to invest here

Your parents have taken lots of stress and pain so far, now it’s your time to take the front seat and their time to take a rest. If you’re a young reader, and I hope your parents have worked hard for a long time and they’re retired, some may be ready to retire. Your parents […]
You don’t know about money | “The Psychology of Money”

Do you believe that the experience you have with money is just about 0.00000001% of what’s happened in the world of money. This post is about the book which I read recently “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel. Book is not about any technical stuff you don’t understand about money or a quick method […]
Things to look at before buying an Index fund

I shared it with new investors who want to know about why they have to invest? and where to park their first investment? . At the end of the posts, I said to invest in an Index fund alone, instead of an active fund for chasing extra returns ( which you’ll fail). Today, let me […]